Installation and Commissioning Microlab Technologies Safety Risk Assessment
The company has considered the likelihood of potential harm or property damage from hazards that may be determined on clients sites, whilst Microlab Technologies staff is carrying out work on that site. A calculation will be made as to the likely impact of a hazard should it come to fruition weighed against the control measures in place. The hazard has been considered as anything that may cause harm which may include substances, plant, machines, and articles, methods of work, the work environment and any other aspects of the work organisation. The assessment considers any risk to your employees, employees of Microlab Technologies and members of the public.
Operations covered by this assessment:
The company has carefully considered the Hazards associated with Service & Maintenance work performance on customers premises and believe that controls have been identified and introduced. The control measures have been communicated to staff both verbally and in acknowledged correspondence, to assure that all tasks, activities and situations are considered on clients sites. The engineers check list is designed to assess who may be exposed to risk, how may they be exposed, what factors may effect this, and what corrective measures may be undertaken.
Possible Hazards:
Live electrical components/services, gas, compressed air, steam etc. exposed
Chemical/biological/radiation contamination of equipment and surrounding area.
Moving machinery, forklift trucks, conveyers, gantries etc.
Cables being trailed, tool cases and test equipment on the floor. Slippery floor
Action taken to reduce risk
Be safe, be aware of all risk. . Do not put yourself or others in danger
Assess risk of every job. Take note of fire exits, and muster points, note particular hazards of this job. If unsure do not proceed; get advice fro responsible person. You must have permit to work before proceeding. Where require obtain a signed clearance certificate.
Work is not performed on live equipment. Equipment should be isolated from services. Never leave equipment you are working on unsafe/unattended.
If working near conveyers/mixers etc. ensure if they start they pose no hazard to you.
All PPE provided must be worn, including Radiation TLD detection monitors badges.
Cables tools/cases etc. to be kept tidy and not obstruct floors and gangways.
Gloves and safety glasses to be worn where appropriate
Care to be taken to clean up any spillage/debris after completion of work
Dust particles to be removed from equipment by a brush/vacuum if safe to do so.
Further Action Required:
A daily inspection of all test equipment to ensure the equipment is safe to function.
All defects to be reported immediately to a line manager immediately. |